Cheonae Kim
My work is about memory and reflection on place I visited, person I met and sound I heard. I use simplest form, color and structure to portray the experience. Repetition is an important factor in my work. In 1993, I wrote following statement.

Repetition (Wiederholung):
Every morning we wake up, every evening we go to sleep.
Ocean moves continuously back and forth
Sun rises every morning and sets every evening.
Spring comes after winter, then summer, fall and winter
And starts all over again repeats.
Clock is ticking continuously, time is passing.
We breathe constantly inhale, exhale.
Heart is beating and we know we are alive.
Labyrinth is in my interest.
The journey of life is a labyrinth. We do not know where we are, how we arrived here or where we’ll end but we try to figure out the passage. The unpredictability of life is also the beauty of living which holds at the same time much potential and uneasiness in trying to figure out the passage.